Microsite Kickoff Form

Contact Name(Required)
This is for ERS's records and will not be used on your website.
Once this form is submitted the Company Name will be final.
This is for ERS's records and will not be used on your website.
This is for ERS's records and will not be used on your website.

Microsite Details

Once category per microsite
One city per microsite
This will be used on your website. If unknown, enter TBD
This will be used in your microsite account. If unknown, enter TBD.
ERS will create a logo for the microsite. We allow 1 revision to the logo.(Required)
I understand that we will be using inventory sharing and the same ERSPay Merchant Account(Required)
Who is your domain registrar?(Required)
Microsite SEO?(Required)
Microsite Paid Digital?(Required)
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Looking forward to seeing you at the livestream! In the meantime, please feel free to click on the link below for a one-on-one demo with Kris.

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